por | 2 \02\+02:00 agosto \02\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
– Teaching simplified concepts and then progressively complexifying is bad. – Recall memory doesn’t help with inferential understanding/advanced knowledge acquisition. – So spaced repetition recall of facts are bad! (You need to promote...
por | 2 \02\+02:00 agosto \02\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
So I’m just starting on Accelerated Expertise and my god is this a heavy lift. I’m going to leave these book screenshots here and see if anyone picks up on the bombshell implications.
por | 2 \02\+02:00 agosto \02\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
The key question: What’s the most important thing I could be doing right now to make progress on the project? Do that. Don’t worry about the parts that remain frozen. If you keep answering the question, eventually, their time will come.
por | 1 \01\+02:00 agosto \01\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
I am VERY curious about the race strategy/metagame here. What just happened? indiatimes.com/sports/tokyo-…
por | 30 \30\+02:00 julio \30\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
#manzanillaolive #oleand #olives #aceitunas #cooperativas lnkd.in/gYQg3sq
por | 28 \28\+02:00 julio \28\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
¿Sabías que los huesos sirven para elaborar harina? Esta tiene un alto contenido de proteínas, fibra y Omega-3. ¿Has probado este alimento alguna vez? ? #aceitunas #gastronomia #gastronomiaespañola #alimentacion #aceitunasnegras #aceitunasverdes...