por | 25 \25\+02:00 agosto \25\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
El valor nutricional de las aceitunas es muy elevado. Son muy nutritivas por su contenido rico en minerales como: ✔️ Sodio ✔️ Potasio ✔️ Magnesio ✔️ Hierro ✔️ Fósforo ✔️ Yodo #olives #foodie #gastro #gastronomia #gastronomiaespañola #aceitunasnegras #aceitunasverdes...
por | 5 \05\+02:00 agosto \05\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
?¿Nos vamos a la #playa? ¿Una #ensalada fresquita con unas #aceitunas para disfrutar del #verano? Siempre con aceitunas de calidad y con garantía #manzanillaolive. #somoscalidad #somosgarantía #somosolive manzanillaolive.es
por | 5 \05\+02:00 agosto \05\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
I’m willing to bet there’s a rich literature here. Lots of questions: – if you design for the expert, say, to augment the expert’s mental models, how does that affect novice users? – can the product help bring the novice or journeyman up the expertise...
por | 5 \05\+02:00 agosto \05\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
I mean, seems pretty obvious that you’d want to study what experts ACTUALLY do, what cues they pay attention to, and design for that instead. But since CTA isn’t widespread, most products just go with ‘whatever the product designer comes up with’.
por | 5 \05\+02:00 agosto \05\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
One of the more interesting assertions in Accelerated Expertise (that made me dig up the references) is this idea that ‘designer-centric’ product/system design is suboptimal. You want ‘expertise-centric’ product design instead.
por | 4 \04\+02:00 agosto \04\+02:00 2021 | Feedzy, Manzanilla Olive en Twitter
Sometimes people reach for classical decision making aids not because they’re effective, but because they want someone else to make the difficult decisions for them.